Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Bon Appetit!

Last week, we dove head first into the terrifically tempting and tasty world of culinary arts! Scrumptious snacks, healthy habits...our class discussions got our mouths watering and our stomachs rumbling. Students in my class compared the older food pyramid model to the new USDA Choose My Plate guidelines. They examined the six food groups and explored how a specialty diet would impact their daily food choices by creating their own meal plans to follow certain limitations.
Ellie & Filippo pose in front of their vegan meal plan. Even though Filippo's grandmother follows a mostly vegan diet, these two found it challenging to think of animal product-free meals that they might normally eat...

Here, Jimena & Luc explain their gluten free meal plan. The girls thought it was relatively easy to come up with their meals, and used real GF restaurant menus as their source of inspiration. Of course, following the plan would be an entirely different matter...
Finally, as part of their blogging homework, I asked students to write a love letter to the chef of their dreams, imagining the whole time that they were total foodies. You'll understand more about this after you read Fernando's hilarious post:

Dear Master Chef:

First, I want you to know that I am a foodie. This is a person who is totally obsessed with food. Everyday, I think of food, and every night, I dream of food. Actually, sometimes I think that my brain is made of food.

I am writing this because I am in love with your Japanese food, and I can´t stop eating it until I have no more money to pay for it.
The rice is like a delicious piece of heaven that makes dipping it in soya sauce a sin. The fish cut is as perfect as a good drink of sake after finishing the food. Sometimes it is sad to eat it because the culinary arts are perfectly appreciated in the view of it, and also it is difficult to swallow and stop feeling that lovely flavor on tongue.

One day, I would like to watch you preparing this magic food and managing the kitchen. I will book all the restaurant, and eat sushi until exploit, make you rich, and bring all my friends to this oriental paradise.

I am so obsessed with food that when I was a child I always took food on the sly, because my mother had forbidden me from eating a lot when she found out of my obsession with food.
Nevertheless, now I can do whatever I want, and spend my money however I want. So, when I go to your restaurant, I want you to take me into it, and don´t let me forget that moment when I finally do what I have been waiting to do for years: get drunk on your Japanese food.

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